Toombs Co Forestry Scholarship Pageant

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Pageant Rules

Preliminary Pageants Rules

1.  Contestants must compete in the age division they are the day of the state pageant,  unless a contestant has a birthday and changes age divisions prior to the state pageant in June, then she moves up. 

2.  It is mandatory that Teeny, Tiny, Little, Junior, Teen and Miss Queens must represent Toombs at the Georgia Forestry Pageant in Tifton in June 2010, if for any reason you do not compete, you will be responsible for paying Toombs Co Forestry pageant back the state fees within 2 weeks of notice you cannot attend.  The runner-up, or a replacement may be sent in your spot.

3.   The Toombs County Forestry Pageant is open to girls in that reside, work or attends school in Toombs County or counties that neighbor (touch) Toombs County.  Please contact the Director for more details.

4.  Must always act in a ladylike manner, dress appropriately for appearances, and always wear crown and banner.

5.  May be sponsored by Family, Friends or Businesses at the local pageant.  Good Luck Ads will be on your Picture Page.

6.  The purpose of the Local Forestry Pageant is to offer educational opportunities to young ladies and promote the Forestry Industry for that county. You can hold any title, we don’t care how many titles you hold, and compete in the local Forestry Pageants, but if you should be named queen of a local Forestry Pageant, you cannot promote or make appearances for any previous or current titles except school titles, you must promote your county Forestry title only at all events. You can go back when it is time and relinquish your crown for any previous titles that you held prior to competing in this local pageant, but all other appearances must be made a forestry queen. If you should be named queen of a local Forestry pageant, you cannot compete in any pageant that will require you to promote or make appearances for them until you are three months of giving up your local title. Local Forestry Queens will promote and make appearances as Local Forestry Queens only! You can compete in other pageants as long as it is a pageant that does not require an appearance or promotion and does not interfere with a forestry appearance.

7.  Local Pageants will be responsible for your entry fee to the State Forestry Pageant.  State Forestry is held annually in Tifton   Practice for Teeny – Junior is THURSDAY June 10, 2010  Onstage  dates are Teeny and Tiny, June 11th, Little and Junior –June 12th, Practice for Teen & Miss will be THURSDAY June 17, 2010 Onstage date is Teen and Miss, -  June 19th  Teen and Miss will have interviews Friday and Saturday.  Queens will be responsible for ads, optionals and so forth. 

8.  If any Queen does not attend State Competition after their entry fees have been paid by the Director/Toombs County Forestry Scholarship Pageant.  That Queen/Family of the Queen will be responsible for refunding the Director/Toombs County Forestry Scholarship Pageant their FULL entry fees paid to State within 2 weeks after telling the Director that they will not be attending $175 (Miss), $150 (Teen), $125 (Teeny through Junior).  The Director may also opt to take the 1st Alternate in that Division to State and ask for the Queens' prizes back, depending on the circumstances for the Queen not going to State Competition.  This does not exclude accidents or deaths, sorry, this has to be paid back to Local Director.

9.  Must get permission from the Director before promoting the Forestry in any event or before entering other pageants.  Queens cannot wear the Forestry crown and banner to promote other pageants after they give up their title.  If caught doing so, The Georgia Forestry Pageant has the right to ask the queen to return her crown and banner for her local pageant.

10. Queens will get scholarship money at the end of their reign provided you have fulfilled your obligations to your local Forestry title.  The Director of the Local Pageant that you win is responsible for all scholarships and prizes.  If for some reason the Directorship of your local pageant should change prior to the end of your reign, the Director that crowned you will remain responsible for all your prizes and scholarships.  Neither the Georgia Forestry Pageant nor the newly elected Director will be responsible for the prizes and scholarships.

11. Miss Queen will be responsible for making contact with the director, not other family members.  We feel that this is part of your responsibility while wearing the crown.

12. Contestants must have never been married, ever pregnant or ever had a baby.  Queens cannot marry, become pregnant, or be convicted of a crime during/before their reign.

13.  Queens agree to abide by all the rules and regulations set forth by the Forestry Pageant Board now in effect or announced thereafter.

14.  The pageant will be conducted under the rules set forth by the Forestry Pageant Board and a contestant agrees that the time, manner and method of judging the pageant shall be solely within the discretion of the Pageant Board and the judges’ decision are final.

15.  No refunds unless the pageant should be canceled.   Entry fees, photo page,ads, & wallet photo must accompany the application. None will be accepted after application is submitted, no changes may be made after submission.

16. Only 15 applications are accepted in each age division, therefore entries will be accepted  on a first come first serve basis.

17.    The Deadline to enter the Miss Toombs County Forestry Pageant is September 18, 2009, all applications not received after this date will still pay all fees, but may not be in program book.  We will not accept partial payments, or incomplete applications.  All must be turned in at once.  Photogenic is due by Practice.  NO LATER – NO EXCEPTIONS.  None will be accepted at Interviews, or at Door. 

18.  If named queen, must be on time for all appointments.  We will work with you on what appointments you will be able to attend.

19.  A contestant must be of good moral character, never convicted of a crime and shall posses poise/personality, intelligence and charm.

20. No photo cameras or video cameras – including cell phones are allowed inside the STC building.   Please silence all cell Phones, Beepers, or electronics in the auditorium building.  We will have a photographer at the pageant for your convenience. 

21.  Make all checks payable to TCFP,   mail and/or drop it off at Shimmers and Shines– BB&T Shopping Center – 912-538-0008 (906 E First Street STE G – Vidalia).  Applications may also be slid thru the door.

22. If you should be named queen of local Forestry Pageant, you must attend a mandatory meeting on Sunday at 10am – Shoney’s in Vidalia.  The Director will give you state packets on the night you win, this must be turned in at the meeting.  If you cannot attend the meeting, you cannot be our queen, sorry.  This is the beginning of your reign and commitment to promote us!  These state packets are due to be turned into the local Director no later than November 4th.

23. A $30.00 service charge will be charged for any returned Business  checks.  No personal checks for entry fees will be accepted All entries after deadline must be paid via Cash or Money Order. 

24.  No food or Drinks in the Auditorium.

25. Should there be a problem of any kind during the pageant or related events the contestant is to go to one of the directors.  Any unruly, unsportsmanlike or any unbecoming conduct by a contestant or any member of her entourage or any disregard for the rules and regulations of this pageant could result in immediate dismissal from further competition without refund.  Depending upon the severity of the action or behavior, it could result in a permanent barrier from future competition of the Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant.  If you should lose your forestry title, you will not be allowed to ever compete in a Local or State Forestry Pageant again! If a queen loses her title, she will have to return all prizes including but not limited to crown, banner, trophy, gifts and scholarships.

26.   Casual Wear will be held promptly at the beginning of each pageant.  Contestant will go directly to dress for onstage competition.

Baby, Teeny, Tiny, Little and Junior will be scored a 1 to 10 on personality, beauty, poise, gown and overall appearance. Optionals are not totaled into the winning score.

27.  Teen and Miss will be scored 50 pts on a five minute interview, 25 pts on a one minute speech, 25 pts on evening gown and 15 pts on an onstage question..  Interview will be five minutes and speech must be one minute in length.

28.  State Queens cannot compete in any Local Pageant until they change age divisions.  Miss Queens can compete in a local pageant where they attend college work, or attend school, or if there is no county pageant, they can be the first to enter to come to state or the first to represent their college.  It is up to each local director whether they choose to allow a local queen to compete again in the same age group as long as they don't compete the same year they relinquish their title and as long as they have not won state in the same age division.  Our Current 2009 Toombs Co Forestry Queens are eligible to compete due to the fact that a pageant was not held, they only represented Toombs at State.

29.  If a Local Queen wins State Forestry, she shall be able to keep her local title and any prizes form the local pageant that would be coming to her and she shall represent the state only!

30.  No soliciting of any kind is allowed at any Local Forestry Pageant.  Leave all solicitations at home.  We are non-profit and cannot promote any business!  This means no passing out of applications, materials and so forth. 

31.  Applications may be mailed to Kerri OR turned into Shimmers and Shines Formal Wear. Please call (912) 538-0008 or email us at when you have turned in application or have mailed app to be sure we receive it.  All applications and information is listed on our website –

 **If we can assist you in any way, please call us at 538-0008– leave message if no answer, we will return your call within 24 hours. 



Contestants Signature___________________________________________Date_____________


Parents Signature________________________________________________Date____________


A Copy of the Rules Sheet must accompany your application for us to accept your application. 


Kerri Smith, Director       Website: Email:


Make checks payable to: TCFP, 906 E First St, Ste G, Vidalia, or drop by Shimmers and Shines in Vidalia

Contact #’s -  912-538-0008 – Leave message if no answer .  No checks for entry fees will be accepted after deadline. 

All entries after deadline must be paid via Cash or Money Order.




Application for Baby, Teeny, Tiny, Little, & Junior

Application for Teen & Miss


Unless otherwise stated, Forestry Pageant photos, Forestry Pageant text, Forestry Pageant logos, and Forestry Pageant images appearing on the Toombs County Forestry Pageant websites are the property of the Toombs County Forestry Pageant.  These materials are not to be copied without written permission from the Toombs County Forestry Pageant.


Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

Unless otherwise stated, Forestry Pageant photos, Forestry Pageant text, Forestry Pageant logos, and Forestry Pageant images appearing on the Toombs County Forestry Pageant websites are the property of the Toombs County Forestry Pageant.  These materials are not to be copied without written permission from the Toombs County Forestry Pageant.

Website Created by Kerri Samples
For Additions, corrections, or updates to website please email:


The Toombs Forestry Queens are honored in joining Smokey Bear in helping him promote his message!
