Toombs Co Forestry Scholarship Pageant

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Application for Baby - Junior Miss

Click here to download and print forms

Click here for AD PAGE LAYOUT Form

Check-Off Sheet for Contestants (Must return with ad)


o       Application form completed (typed for Teen and Miss Contestants)

o       Teen and Miss must submit original plus 3 copies for the judges

o       Wallet size photo for program book – No scanned Photo’s – Must be school or professional photo.

o       Photo Page – you customize it.  Email director for information

o       Entry Fees for all events you are entering

o       Ad for the program book (Everyone must sell at least 1 $25.00 ad for program book) MANDATORY!

o       Photogenic Photo if entering Photogenic Category – due by practice

o       Rules sheet signed and sent with the application

o       We will need a copy of your birth certificate only if your age comes into question or if you were to win the pageant, to send to the State Pageant.

o       We will only need your social security number if you were to win the pageant, to send to the State Pageant.

o       Speech & Interview times will be posted online and emailed to email on form

o       You must have all this information to the Director by September 18th. 


Preliminary Pageant Entry Form for the Baby, Toddler, Tiny, Little and Junior Miss Contestants

Application for Miss Georgia Forestry Preliminary Pageants

"Official preliminaries to the 71st Miss Georgia Forestry Pageant, the oldest scholarship pageant in the state of Georgia"



Age Division____________________ Age in June 2010    Age______________ Birthday______________________ 




Age______________ Birthday______________________ Phone Numbers__________________________________


Mailing Address________________________________________________________________________________________


Email Address__________________________________________________________________________________________


Parents Name___________________________________________________________________________________




School (If you attend) ____________________________________________________________________________________




Favorite TV Show________________________________________________________________________________________


Favorite Movie Star_____________________________________________________________________________________


Favorite Food_________________________________________________________________________________


Current Titles___________________________________________________________________________________________


Contestants or anyone in the contestants’ party (family or friend) agree to hold harmless, The Toombs County Forestry Pageant, Kerri Smith, Toombs County Forestry Volunteers, or  The Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Association, Inc., The Location of the pageant, and its holding from damages incurred through loss, theft or injury caused by or during her participation or to and from the pageant or any related events. I hereby acknowledge that I have read the official rules and regulations set forth by the Toombs County Forestry Pageant and that I will comply with them in everyway, and that the personal data that I have submitted is true and correct.  I give permission for the Toombs County Forestry Pageant and the Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Association, Inc. to use my daughter’s picture for publicity purposes.  I also understand that in the event that the directorship of the Toombs County Forestry Pageant changes prior to the end of my reign, the Toombs County Forestry director that crowns me, remains responsible for all my prizes and scholarships.  The Georgia Forestry Pageant and Educational Inc. and the newly elected director will not be responsible for these prizes.  I understand that there is a $30.00 service charge on all returned checks and that there is NO refunds unless the pageant is canceled.     I also understand that if I win my age division I must attend the meeting at 10am Sunday at Shoney’s, compete and attend the Georgia Forestry State Pageant in June.  I have been given these dates in this application and if for any reason I cannot attend State after my fees have been paid by Toombs Forestry Pageant, I will refund Toombs Forestry Pageant the State Fees within 2 weeks of the notice.  I also understand the 1st Place Alternate or another girl will attend in my place.       

Please Sign Below.


Contestant's Signature_____________________________________________________Date_______________________


Parent or Legal Guardian___________________________________________________Date_______________________

*Don’t forget your photo & photo page for the program book and the information for your ad when you turn in your entry form.


I am entering the following events: Beauty ($60.00) _______________ (Baby, Teeny, Tiny, Little, and Junior)

Good Luck Ad ($25.00) ______________ (One is mandatory for all contestants)

Optional Package ($50.00) ______ Photo?? Yes ___ No _____

Total Amount I am enclosing: ________________ Make checks payable to...  TCFP

Questions or comments? Get in touch with us at:

Unless otherwise stated, Forestry Pageant photos, Forestry Pageant text, Forestry Pageant logos, and Forestry Pageant images appearing on the Toombs County Forestry Pageant websites are the property of the Toombs County Forestry Pageant.  These materials are not to be copied without written permission from the Toombs County Forestry Pageant.

Website Created by Kerri Samples
For Additions, corrections, or updates to website please email:


The Toombs Forestry Queens are honored in joining Smokey Bear in helping him promote his message!
